Spiritual Programs
For spiritual wellness, the devotees can come to the temple during Open Hours and meditate in the Prayer Hall. They can read religious and spiritual books and magazines in Sanskrit, English, and Hindi in the library. Throughout the year, many saints and Gurus visit our temple and present discourses.
Cultural Programs
Celebration of Festivals: We celebrate many cultural festivals like Holi, Navaratri, Dussehra and Diwali in a grand way. Over a thousand community members, both Hindus and others, come and participate in these celebrations. Some are celebrated on temple grounds but outside the temple building. Others are celebrated off site, in a park or an auditorium.
Dance and Music Programs: A variety of dance and music programs are also arranged by HTCCR. Some feature local artists, while others feature artists and groups visiting from India. Some of these events are held in the temple basement hall, while others are held off site in an auditorium. For more information, please contact: events@hindutempleofcolorado.net.